Current Members
- Ying Ma, Assistant Professor Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and the Center for Computational Molecular Biology at the Brown University.
- Chichun Tan, PhD student, Biostatistics, Brown University
- Yu (Zoe) Zhu, PhD student, Computational Biology, Brown University
- Ruohan Wang, PhD student in rotation, Computational Biology, Brown University
- Marygrace Trousdell, PhD student in rotation, Computational Biology, Brown University
- Jing Fu, Master sdudent, Biostatistics, Brown University
- Weijing Yin, Master sdudent, Biostatistics, Brown University
- Zixiao Gao, Master sdudent, Computer Science, Brown University
- Seowon Chang, Undergraduate sdudent, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Brown University
- Andrew Yang, Undergraduate sdudent, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Brown University
- Vivek Rajani, Undergraduate sdudent, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Brown University
- Faith Shim, Undergraduate sdudent, Computer Science and Biology, Brown University